Liste des produits de la marque ALPHA-CAT

Alpha-Cat a passé un certain temps à développer une formule unique pour vous offrir le meilleur de la synergie du CBD et du CBG dans le même flacon de 10 ml de concentré d'huile 10% CBD CBG.

Ouvrant le champ des possibilités et optimisant l'assimilation des cannabinoïdes par le corps.

Depuis plus de 10 ans, Alpha-cat collabore main dans la main avec les pionniers du CBD et d'autres cannabinoïdes légaux en Europe.

Cela leur a permis aujourd'hui d'avoir accès à des extraits de cannabinoïdes de qualité supérieure, légaux et garantis sans THC (0% de THC).

Les mélanges d'huile Alpha-cat 1000 mg CBD CBG sont fabriqués à partir de chanvre européen et sont garantis sans pesticides, métaux lourds et autres polluants.

Une fois récolté, le chanvre est soigneusement sélectionné selon un protocole strict afin de garantir des normes de production et d'assurer des niveaux constants de cannabidiol (CBD) et de cannabigérol (CBG).

La méthode d'extraction de leur chanvre suit des protocoles rigoureux afin d'obtenir des extraits qualitatifs avec une teneur élevée en cannabinoïdes (50% de CBD : CBG).

Lab Quality 400mg CBG Oil blended with Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Provence.

Each drop of 1000mg CBD CBG Oil Blends contains 2.5mg of CBD and 2.5mg of CBG.

100% organic made with bio-organic hemp and certified organic vegan.

2% CBD Capsules contains 10mg of high-quality CBD.

10mg CBD (Cannabidiol) capsules are effective to improve immunity.

To guarantee homogeneous, stable and qualitative oils, only used are natural products made from 100% healthy plants.

In addition to the high quality extractions, Alpha uses organic olive oil from Provence in the south of France to preserve the benefits of their molecules.

They are able to offer products easily assimilated by the body, naturally rich in Omega 3 with a taste of the Mediterranean.

This food supplement can help you to cope with stress and improve your well-being, both mental and physical, by helping you to overcome depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness, feeling of worthlessness, or guilt.

2% CBD capsules deliver optimal relaxation and are consequently used to calm irritation of the nervous system.

CBD capsules can be used as a food supplement to a healthy lifestyle, as they contain antioxidants and natural vitamins that contribute to physical and mental well-being.

Long-term use contributes significantly to the normal functioning of the body and to a harmonious state of life.

Alpha-Cat CBD capsules allow the achievement of a clear state of mind, restore interest in daily activities, pleasureble living, helps with energy and improve your quality of life.

CBD is a new natural food supplement obtained from organic hemp.

Each capsule contains antioxidants that helps to combat stress and contribute to the body’s proper functioning and balance.

Precautions for use:

To be used within the context of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

For pregnant and lactating women ask your doctor for advice.

This product is not a medical product, always keep out the reach of children. 

Store in a cool and dry place, away from light and humidity.

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