New Watermelon Zkittles for the lovers of the watermelon strain.
Made in the EU according to the highest quality standards 1ml 510 cartridge
THC-free, with the best natural ingredients of pure organic cannabinoids and terpenes, without additives.
Each batch is tested by independent laboratories to guarantee 0.00% THC with superior quality.
New Watermelon Zkittles for the lovers of the watermelon strain.
Made in the EU according to the highest quality standards 1ml 510 cartridge
THC-free, with the best natural ingredients of pure organic cannabinoids and terpenes, without additives.
Each batch is tested by independent laboratories to guarantee 0.00% THC with superior quality.
Intrested in exploring the Unique Properties of HHCO Cannabinoid?
Experience the cutting-edge world of cannabinoids with HHCO, a remarkable and innovative addition to the realm of plant-derived compounds. HHCO cannabinoid, also known as HarmoniHexaCannabinol, stands as a testament to scientific progress and botanical exploration.
Unearthed from the heart of nature, HHCO is a cannabinoid that showcases a distinctive profile, setting it apart from other compounds within the cannabinoid family. Its molecular structure has been meticulously designed to offer a novel and synergistic interaction with the endocannabinoid system, which is present in all mammals.
HHCO has a non-psychotropic cannabinoid with a unique molecular, meticulous extraction and purification methods employed to obtain the purest form of this compound. Rigorous quality control measures ensure that each HHCO product maintains the highest standards of purity and potency.
Notice:This products complies with Act No. 167/1998 §5.
Intended for the following purposes; industrial, technical and horticultural purposes.
Not intended for direct consumption or smoking.
This products is only for sale to persons over the age of 18 years.
These hemp-derived extracts here are 100% Completely derived from legal hemp.
Collectors Item Only
Ødelagt produkt
Er andre gang jeg kjøper produktet, var bra første gangen. Når jeg kjøpte denne gangen var det juice i baggen og toppen ble tett etter 8-12 hits. Vil ikke reccomende.
Hei, Takk for din tilbakemelding!
Beklager at du fikk problemer med en cartridge.
Vi sender nytt produkt som erstatning!
Hatt bedre opplevelser
Luktet nydelig, men helt motsatt smak. Ikke god.
Carten ser kun 85-90% full ut. Er det meningen? Tviler..
Fingeravtrykk på carten, som var inni forseglet plastpose. Bekymringsfult, ettersom det tyder uprofessjonalitet av produsentene til cartsa.
Føler jeg ikke ble tatt seriøst på kundeservice om disse problemene.
Fikk bestillingen innen et døgn, veldig fornøyd. Carten er lett å trekke av, ikke vond i halsen sammenliknet med de svarte Hero carts. Effekten er også som forventet.
Men pga de andre problemer nevnt ovenfor, får denne kun 2/5 av meg
Hei, takk for din tilbakemelding!
Det høres ut som du har fått et dårlig produkt, vi beklager det.
Vi sender gjerne en erstatning. Du kan jo prøve en annen smak?
Ta kontakt på [email protected] eller +4792252055
Vi løser det for deg!
Mvh Kristian